Breaking news:
The spring newsletter for 2024 is available here.
The Board calendar and focus points for 2024 are available here.
A report on the 2023 AGM is available here.
Links to topics of interest:
UN decade on ecosystem restoration
Saanich electric mobility strategy
Volunteering for Saanich
Traffic noise
Rezoning of address 855
The Falaise Community Association
The Falaise Community Association (FCA) was formed in 1959, soon after the first homes were built in the area. It is Saanich’s smallest community association.
The purpose of the FCA is to enhance the quality of life for the residents of the Falaise Community. The Falaise Community is comprised of Falaise Drive, Falaise Crescent and the seven cul-de-sacs off those streets (Adeline Place, Deventer Drive, Falaise Place, Law Place, Royal Wood Court, Royal Wood Place, and Southover Lane).
The association represents the community’s interests on local issues and brings neighbours together to socialize. Neighbours who know each other can help each other in times of need.
The FCA is represented by a Board of Directors elected by residents at an annual general meeting. These representatives are governed by a constitution and set of bylaws that define their duties and obligations.
Residents support the FCA with an annual membership fee. The membership fee is used to support social and recreational activities, newsletters, this website, advertising of the annual garage sale, liability insurance for the directors and the association and beautification projects such as planting trees along the highway.
Become a member
Privacy policy
In order to function, the FCA needs a modest amount of personal information from its members. For example, our membership list needs to include at least a name and a street address. We would like to move towards being able to distribute FCA news and information via email, which would require as well the email address of each member.
The FCA has always protected the personal information of its members but it is worth formally stating what information we collect and how it is managed. The Personal Information Protection Act of the British Columbia describes what should be included in a privacy policy and provides a template for constructing one. We have used this template to construct a privacy policy for the FCA and it is available here: