Road Mural

Road Mural Repainting, 2023

After one year, the Falaise Cr. road mural was showing signs of wear. Also, some residents thought it would benefit from some additional colours other than yellow. There was a good supply of yellow paint left over and there was still a small amount of money left over from the Saanich grant. So it was decided to repaint the yellow and to add some purple camas flowers for additional colour.

The day for repainting was set for Sunday, August 20th and Saanich approval was obtained to block off a section of Falaise Cr. for a few hours. Teale Phelps Bondaroff brought his organizational skills as well as some additional painters to complement those from the Falaise community. The FCA set up their tent and provided refreshments for all the helpers.

John Cameron took a series of pictures during and after the painting and a small selection is shown below.

Road Mural Painting, 2022

The possibility of a road mural for the Falaise community was raised by a local resident more than a year ago. He knew of the work by Teale Phelps Bondaroff on promoting road murals for other communities so Teale was invited to give a presentation at the FCA AGM in November, 2021. The project quickly gained momentum, ably lead by FCA president, Stuart Macpherson.

Saanich approval was required as well as financial support. Various designs were discussed with local artist, Desiree Shelley, before settling on a theme based on the Montane violet which grows in Falaise park.

It all came together on August 13th, when a small section of Falaise Cr. was closed to traffic and a group of volunteers began painting. John Cameron kept a photo diary of the proceedings and it was covered by some of the local media.

A sampling of media coverage is given below:

Saanich News

CHEK news

Teale created a time lapse video showing how the mural developed.

Teale and Stuart have prepared a detailed overview of the event and it is posted on the Victoria Placemaking website.

Below is a small selection of the pictures taken by John Cameron during the painting of the mural.